• News Coverage

    News Coverage

    The launch of our new Lifespan Research Lap space on campus recently made it into local and national news coverage.

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  • New high-tech lab is first of its kind in Scotland

    New high-tech lab is first of its kind in Scotland

    A specialist laboratory which uses state of the art equipment for the study of behaviour, cognition, and brain function across the lifespan has opened at the University of Stirling.

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  • What’s in the box?

    What’s in the box?

    PhD student Lauren Taylor is currently running a study about the link between counterfactual thinking (thinking of how making a different decision could have caused a different current reality) and episodic memory (memories of the past).

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  • Do children need language to change their beliefs?

    Do children need language to change their beliefs?

    Dr Kirsten Blakey and the ARED project team will soon begin a new study investigating how children form and revise beliefs and whether this is related to their language development. Children aged between 2 and 6 years old are invited to take part by visiting the Lifespan Lab and playing some fun games.

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  • How do we choose?

    How do we choose?

    Dr Lily FitzGibbon is currently running a study about children’s decision making. Children aged between 4 and 8 are invited to take part by visiting the Lifespan Lab and playing a fun game on the computer. Find out more about the study here. Please note that data collection will resume during the October half-term break.

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