Do children need language to change their beliefs?

Dr Kirsten Blakey and the ARED project team will soon begin a new study investigating how children form and revise beliefs and whether this is related to their language development.

Children aged between 2 and 6 years old are invited to take part by visiting the Lifespan Lab and playing some fun games. One game will involve watching videos of different people hiding a reward and then trying to find the reward using a tablet. Another game will record eye movements to examine what children are looking at when they are provided with different types of clues to help them find hidden animals. Finally, the third game will test children’s understanding and production of language. You can find out more about the study here.

This study for 2- to 6-year-old children will begin in October 2023.

To sign up please complete this form with your details and we will be in touch.

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